0.1.0 Released

2008, April 28th 10:36 AM

Quickly on the heels of that alpha test is 0.1.0 official release. Grab it (nowhere, sorry, removed!).

What's different? Not a lot. There's an installer, and that's it. I haven't gotten any bug reports, so I'm calling this a release.

But there's a new site feature – I've added a site forum for discussions. Take a look, start a thread, talk about D-Net. It's still under very heavy construction, so beware that the layout and look might change drastically as you browse. But it's officially open. As always, I'd love to hear any commentary you have about D-Net or the site, and if you can't find an appropriate thread to post it in, head for the forum.

This is probably not the most exciting post you've ever read, but there'll be more coming. Not to worry.

  • Max Badger

    2008, April 28th 5:01 PM

    I missed the first release of this so I didn't get a chance to comment!
    I got a friend over and we had a lot of fun playing the two player.

    I don't know if it was intentional, but the first player controls don't work on the side numerical section, only on the top bar. Or at least, we couldn't get 'em to work on the side.
    It made play a little awkward, but other than that it was quite fun!

  • Zorba

    2008, April 28th 11:49 PM

    . . . You know, somehow, when I was setting up the key configs, I completely forgot about the existence of the numeric pad. Yeah, you're right, those should work, and I bet I can put together a better config if I allow those as well.

    I am smrt.

    Note made, thanks for letting me know :)

  • Larry

    2008, April 29th 3:03 PM

    I tried registering to the forum, but no response for activation code yet, so I'll post my comment here:

    Would be nice if there is a "You are here!" thing. Or maybe make the white more different than the other slightly darker gray. It was confusing for me at first, but that's probably nitpicking! =)

  • Zorba

    2008, April 29th 3:16 PM

    If you press a fire button when it's going through its countdown, it'll ping your current location and make it rather obvious :)

    I should make it do that automatically when there's only one human player though.

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